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Forum Posts

Lsagent for Android / iOS

Are there any plans to create an angent that will support Andoid and iOS devices ? Has anybody created a work around to support SNMP scanning to Android/iOS ? Thks Mario

DonMario73 by Champion Sweeper
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Ping Failed / RPC Unavailable

Lansweeper v. (Agentless Scanning)We are running into an odd issue where some of our assets, mainly laptops, are not getting updated in lansweeper consistently. We are scanning multiple ip ranges globally that are set to run scans at 12:00pm...

Not indexing desktop apps

We are seeing an on-going issue where LS only indexes Windows Store apps - no desktop apps are listed.  Where we notice the issue the most is when LS erroneously flagging machines as missing AV when in fact they have it.  When we look in LS it shows ...

uSlackr by Engaged Sweeper II
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