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Engaged Sweeper

Hey everyone,

This is a long time running difficulty we've been dealing with and I would love to know if theres a solution we could find for the following situation:

We have multiple scanservers all pointed toward the same large OU in our AD, all our Windows 10 computers are in this one large OU, dividing this up in smaller OUs is not an option for us. Initially we were under the impression these scanservers would loadbalance between one another so the same assets don't get scanned multiple times for no reason. We only recently found out that having multiple scanservers all scanning this same OU does not mean they loadbalance between each other, they will all create their own list of ~30000 assets to scan from the OU and scan them independently from one another. Meaning the same assets will get touched multiple times per day, even if it does skip them because they were already scanned it still creates a very large queue, causing the servers to build up a larger and larger queue over time. 

Would love to see any suggestions/solutions for this, I understand programming a loadbalancing between different scanservers probably isn't easy and not realistic in the short term.

Thanks 🙂

Champion Sweeper III

Are you able to scan the PCs via another method with smaller groups? (ex. IP address ranges, Lansweeper static/dynamic group memberships)

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Engaged Sweeper

Hey, thanks for the response, IP address ranges aren't an option either in this case. What do you mean with Lansweeper static/dynamic group members exactly? 

Champion Sweeper III

Are you able to scan the PCs via another method with smaller groups? (ex. IP address ranges, Lansweeper static/dynamic group memberships)