chada wrote:
For simple .exe installs like Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash etc I just put an item on the action menu. The first path is the location I keep the tools like psexec which is my lansweeper server. \\{computer} you leave as is and Lansweeper executes the action on the computer you currently have selected. The last path is wherever you keep your software and the /s is the silent install option. Hope that helps. You can't do SQL installs through this means obviously but simple MSI and exe with silent or quiet switch seem to work.
\\(Lansweeper Servername)\LStools\ActionPack\psexec.exe \\{computer} -s -c "\\{Servername}\{Share}\flash.exe" /s
That is great! I have used that tool in other applications, just didn't think of it here.. We have our users restricted, so I would need to use the -u option with an account that has admin access.
If you execute if from within a VB script, you could easily setup a generic action item that prompts you for Application and other parameters.
Chada, thanks for the great input!