‎03-09-2018 12:33 AM
‎03-13-2018 07:32 PM
‎03-15-2018 12:09 PM
anpatterson03 wrote:
Charles.X, while you're at it, it would be great if there was an entry on the asset summary page that shows if a TPM is enabled and/or active for quick reference. The report you posted really helps though.
lmiller wrote:
Thank you for all of your help. This report will give me the information about the TPM. Is there a report where I can generate the computers without a TPM chip? This is helpful in finding the computers that need to be replaced in order to encrypt them.
Thank you in advance!
Select Top 1000000 tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon16 As icon,
tblTPM.SpecVersion As [TPM Spec Version],
tblTPM.ManufacturerVersion As [TPM Manufacturer Version],
tblTPM.ManufacturerVersionInfo As [TPM Manufacturer Version Information],
Case When tblTPM.IsActivated_InitialValue = 1 Then 'Yes' Else 'No'
End As Activated,
Case When tblTPM.IsEnabled_InitialValue = 1 Then 'Yes' Else 'No'
End As Enabled,
Case When tblTPM.IsOwned_InitialValue = 1 Then 'Yes' Else 'No' End As Owned,
From tblTPM
Right Join tblAssets On tblTPM.AssetId = tblAssets.AssetID
Inner Join tsysAssetTypes On tblAssets.Assettype = tsysAssetTypes.AssetType
Where tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypename = 'Windows'And tblTPM.Win32_TpmId Is Null
‎03-12-2018 03:06 PM
Select Top 1000000 tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon16 As icon,
tblTPM.SpecVersion As [TPM Spec Version],
tblTPM.ManufacturerVersion As [TPM Manufacturer Version],
tblTPM.ManufacturerVersionInfo As [TPM Manufacturer Version Information],
Case When tblTPM.IsActivated_InitialValue = 1 Then 'Yes' Else 'No'
End As Activated,
Case When tblTPM.IsEnabled_InitialValue = 1 Then 'Yes' Else 'No'
End As Enabled,
Case When tblTPM.IsOwned_InitialValue = 1 Then 'Yes' Else 'No' End As Owned,
From tblTPM
Inner Join tblAssets On tblTPM.AssetId = tblAssets.AssetID
Inner Join tsysAssetTypes On tblAssets.Assettype = tsysAssetTypes.AssetType
‎03-13-2018 10:11 PM
Charles.X wrote:
I've done some research and found the issue. Currently the asset details page will show all the TPM's for all the assets instead of just the ones from the asset you're requesting the details from. In other words the asset details are not showing the correct results but a report will. Our developers already have a fix for the issue. Unfortunately, I can't provide you with an ETA for the fix since the build it is scheduled for is still prone to changes.
For the moment I would recommend keeping an eye on our changelog, which will list the fix when it has been released.
Until the fix has been released, I would suggest using a report to view the correct TPM information for your assets. Below is an example of such a report. You can use the search fields at the top of the report to filter for a specific assets by asset name.Select Top 1000000 tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon16 As icon,
tblTPM.SpecVersion As [TPM Spec Version],
tblTPM.ManufacturerVersion As [TPM Manufacturer Version],
tblTPM.ManufacturerVersionInfo As [TPM Manufacturer Version Information],
Case When tblTPM.IsActivated_InitialValue = 1 Then 'Yes' Else 'No'
End As Activated,
Case When tblTPM.IsEnabled_InitialValue = 1 Then 'Yes' Else 'No'
End As Enabled,
Case When tblTPM.IsOwned_InitialValue = 1 Then 'Yes' Else 'No' End As Owned,
From tblTPM
Inner Join tblAssets On tblTPM.AssetId = tblAssets.AssetID
Inner Join tsysAssetTypes On tblAssets.Assettype = tsysAssetTypes.AssetType
‎03-09-2018 05:23 PM
‎03-09-2018 02:59 PM
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