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Engaged Sweeper III

Is there a way to add a fourth priority section in the Lansweeper web console? Currently there is a High Priority, Important and Informational section, as case 1, 2 or 3 respectively in the page it-reports. This seems linked to the configuration console with what reports are inputted with what priority, but is there a way to add say a fourth Low Priority section in there?

I tried to add a case 4 but with no console to manage the case being "4", I can't add reports to it. The only way I have found to add reports is to go below the tables that manage the reports adding (inccountstart I believe) and hard code it for each individual report. I guess I could call another aspx page that would do this, but do not know enough in programming to do this...

Thanks, hopefully this is possible without too much hassle!
Champion Sweeper
Not to beat a decade-dead horse, but with the Vulnerability Reports, I would also like this feature if possible to implement. The ability to customize the main dashboard with your own headings would be superb!
Engaged Sweeper
I wanted to add to this thread to say that we could also benefit from the ability to configure the labels for the priorities (i.e., "High Priority", "Medium Priority", "Low Priority", "Information" and perhaps even identify which icon to use for each.

I did find that if I manually edit the database table to change the priority of one of the reports to 4 that it did create a separate section below the other three with a large Info icon, but no heading.

Making this user-configurable would be a nice feature. I do like pentel's breakout of Urgent, High Priority, Important, Low Priority and Informational.

Engaged Sweeper III
Right now we have 3 main offices, so I would like one section for each office (I rename the priority to reflect this in the aspx page), and one section that would cover reports for all the offices combined. That's the basic concept. Not everyone has this same scenario, so maybe if we could add/remove sections it would add alot to the customization of Lansweeper and possibilities. Being limited to 3 sections is somewhat a big limitation if we want to change the priority settings.

Another use for this (not for me, but could potentially be used) could be to have Urgent (do it now), High Priority (do it by next week), Important (do it by next month), Low Priority (keep it in the back of your head) and Informational (informational reports) which would be 5 sections. It depends really how you use it since not everyone has the same system...

Maybe you should move this thread to the wishlist since this is kind of a feature that would be nice (for me anyways) in Lansweeper, and other users could provide feedback.

Hopefully it can be done!

Engaged Sweeper III
allright, thanks for the quick response, I saw the icons for p4, p5 and p6 which would be priority 4, priority 5 and priority 6, so I thought there was a way to do it (in \website\images)

I guess that I can modify the website's code massively, but not the configuration console which is the problem in this scenario. Please confirm this is true and I suppose the thread can be closed if that's it

Can we look forward to having additional sections added in version 4.0 gamma?

Lansweeper Alumni
pentel wrote:

Can we look forward to having additional sections added in version 4.0 gamma?

There aren't any plans for this.
Which sections do you want to see added?
Lansweeper Alumni
This is not implemented at the moment.

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