Hi, can somebody be so kind, and write me script with all this information included? System-Manufacturer-ModelProcessor-NameMemoryArray-MaxCapacity (MB)OS-CaptionIP addressthank you.
We have email notifications turned on for event log entries. We have an issue where Lansweeper keeps sending emails several times a day for several days for the same event log entry. As an example we had a server reboot unexpectedly @ 8:44AM on 5/17/...
We're running Lansweeper Premium We're seeing a number of problems trying to get our Workgroup computers to show up and be inventoried.We've made the DCOM changes, turned off the firewall, and created appropriate entries in the Lansweeper...
Hi,Is it possible to create a report that breaks down to server versions (standard/enterprise etc)? ideally make the OS license compliance report clickable.ThanksKass
Hi,just upgraded to version 4.0 and discovered that all clients haven't been scanned since then. I had to change the password of the Lansweeper Service Account. But Update was working and Service was running, too. I change the credentials in the Lans...
Getting this error when I try to run any advanced actions:TriggerScan results in:The encryption type requested is not supported by the KDC.Other Advanced Actions never goto cmd box...Tried from IE 8 and Firefox 3.6.3I've even went so far as to comple...