Not sure if anyone else has noticed this or if it is a know issue but all my Non-Active computers were changed to active when I updated to the 12 April beta.
When updating, the installer does not stop the web server service. It will pop-up with an error during the installation, which I got around by stopping the service and clicking retry. Afterwards, I found that I could not access the webpage. After sto...
I just can not make report to see on which PCs Skype is installed. I have tried to modify some built-in reports but nothing.. Can somebody post query which can do this ?
Hii cann't install the beta on my test server.I have this error:WindowsXP SP3MS SQL Express 2008Old version of Lansweeper is installed on this PC and work nice
When using device tester I get the following errors:lshw -short : bash: lshw: command not foundproduct-name : bach: eskcfg-info: command not foundvendor-name : bach: eskcfg-info: command not foundI only get HD statistics.SSH is open and authenticatio...
I am in the web interface when I trigger a scan of a machine is get this in the command box (see below)Lansweeper trigger client-------------------------Connecting...FailedC:\Documents and Settings\RichardY\Desktop>What could be stopping lansweeper f...
Hi,First sorry fot my English, I'm french I've just install Lansweeper beta 4 to upgrade my 3.5 version, installer make no error and LS working perfectly, but I cant test premium option. (You say in this post "also first 20 days in trial are fully w...
Dear Admin,How to delete computer entries from Lansweeper server which are not reporting from more than 30 days at one shot. We have some systems, for which we changed the naming convention recently and now we have both entries available for the same...