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Engaged Sweeper

Originally we tested lansweeper using the built-in admin account on a test server. Deployment worked with my domain admin credential.

Now we bought it and I moved it to a real server but changed the login to domain username/password. I made myself an administrator. Now the deployment quit working, I get "WMI Error. Access is denied." for everything, command/process kill/chrome update/add a registry key. I don't know why.

Everything else works though including scanning the computer, remote management (RDP, computer management, reboot/shutdown, etc...)

My account has domain admin rights. Can someone please help? Thank.
Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support
Hi Cong,

I noticed a support ticket has been opened for your question. Our technical support team will be happy to assist you with further support regarding your inquiry.
Engaged Sweeper
Erik.T wrote:
Hi Cong,

I noticed a support ticket has been opened for your question. Our technical support team will be happy to assist you with further support regarding your inquiry.

I deleted all the credentials and put them back and reboot the server and now it's running fine.