Hello Sweepers,
We are wrapping up our Lansweeper revamp and our CIO would like to know if it is possible to automatically assign assets to users based on who logged into the machine last? I noticed through some of the forums and knowledge articles that you can set "Top Console User" which will set the user who has logged in the most (if I'm reading it correctly) as the asset owner.
My concern with this is that we reuse laptops for replacements. These are reimaged before the new user receives it, but if there is login information from that laptop name somewhere in AD or Intune that has "user X" signed in 500 times, would the new user "Y" have to log in to that machine 501 times in order for that asset to be assigned to them?
By extension, would it be possible to configure assets to automatically switch ownership upon last user logged in?
Union Home Mortgage's "Lansweeper Guy"