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Lansweeper redirect HTTP to HTTPS

Hello,I have Lansweeper installed with express database on a 2016 server using IIS. I have a Certificate install from our internal CA.I'm able to easily hit both urls:http://hosthttps://host (FQDN) (FQDN)...

Posibility to deactivate email CC option?

Hi,User1 send a email to our helpdesk email adress and in CC to User2 and User3. Lansweeper genarate automatically a ticket. User2 and User3 are automatically in Lansweeper Helpdesk as CC User declared. Is it possible to deactivate this option? We w...

solon2099 by Engaged Sweeper
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Duplicate Deployments

When I choose a package to deploy, it gets deployed twice. The first one will succeed and then it will run again, even though I only deploy it once. Any ideas on how to keep this from happening?

mdotadmin by Engaged Sweeper
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Custom Action using TeraTerm

I like using TeraTerm and am trying to create a custom action to login to an asset. I am a new user and obviously doing something wrong or misunderstanding the actions capabilities. I tried to replicate the Putty action but it does not work. Any idea...

tlflorek by Engaged Sweeper
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.NET Framework 4.6.2 Deployment - keeps timing out

I have the .NET Framework 4.6.2 deployment setup and it keeps timing out. The Installer package has been copied to the {PackageShare}, see the following :Install File : {PackageShare}\Installers\NDP462-KB3151800-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exeParameters : \q...

Linux domain lookup

Hello,Most of my linux systems are member of an Active Directory domain but only some of them are recognized as this.All the others are shown as Workgroup.Could you explain me your method/command to discover the domain of a linux system ?I could chan...

YvainP by Engaged Sweeper II
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Allow Users From Other Domain to Login

Hello everyone,We recently started a new domain at my company and need to add a few users from that domain to be able to log in as admins. There is a domain trust between the two domains and I am able to scan for users and view machines and whatnot. ...

SPedraza by Engaged Sweeper
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SQL server issues

Good morning, we are having issues in our SQL server. We run server profiler a we are getting thousand of lines. When we disable all scanning targets and stop lansweeper service those lines reduce to 10%, but we are still having problems. Can anyone ...