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Engaged Sweeper II
After a ticket is submitted via the HelpDesk console and an agent has responded, is there a setting or option to have an email notification sent to that specific AD user notifying them of the response to their ticket? We have numerous users whose primary form of communication is via email, they are actively in it and thus leave it open during the workday. I've looked under 'Configurations' and 'Email Alerts' but that seems to be geared towards the agents only. Either I'm obviously overlooking that setting somewhere or it simply doesn't exist as an option.
Engaged Sweeper II
This question is kind of along the same line. We've setup email notifications and only the only option that is currently enabled is where users receive an email when a change is made to their ticket. However, with that being the only option that's enabled the agents are receiving emails for activity on their tickets. Is this something that we can turn off to where agents do not get any email notifications? Again, the only email option we have enabled is 'Agent Update (sent to user)' the rest of the outgoing email templates are not enabled.
Engaged Sweeper II
I was obviously overlooking that one , Thanks Erik
Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support
Vince wrote:
After a ticket is submitted via the HelpDesk console and an agent has responded, is there a setting or option to have an email notification sent to that specific AD user notifying them of the response to their ticket? We have numerous users whose primary form of communication is via email, they are actively in it and thus leave it open during the workday. I've looked under 'Configurations' and 'Email Alerts' but that seems to be geared towards the agents only. Either I'm obviously overlooking that setting somewhere or it simply doesn't exist as an option.

Hey Vince, the option you are searching for would be the outgoing email templates. These can be found in section Outgoing E-mail Templates under the Configuration\E-mail settings tab of the Lansweeper web console.