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Engaged Sweeper

On-site lansweeper. We have 5 virtual machine that stopped scanning the middle on October.  No scanning error is displayed.  We tested deleting one of the machines from lansweeper, then scanned the network to bring it back into the system, but it still does not complete a scan.  Looking for suggestions.  FYI the connection tester shows nothing but netbios disabled.

Champion Sweeper

What platform are you using for your virtual environment? If the VMs are Windows, consider deploying LSPush or LSAgent to them directly. Linux is supported by LSAgent as well, I don't think LSPush is but I could be wrong. If they are linux, I would simply consider SSH Creds for Lansweeper to leverage. If vSphere, leverage credentials for Lansweeper to log into the environment at a high level. Could also be a connectivity issue where the VMs are not able to communicate with the Scan Server due to routing or firewall changes. More information would certainly be needed to further diagnose.

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