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Engaged Sweeper III
In the Help Desk, I can add a new tab and create filters and columns to display the list of tickets I am interested in. Is there anyway to then export that list to an Excel sheet?

Engaged Sweeper

You can go to Reports > Create new report > then you can use this sql code :

Select Top 1000000 htblticket.ticketid,, As agent,
htblticket.subject, As Utilisateur,
htblticketstates.statename As Statut, As date_Note, As user_Note,
From htblticket,
htblusers As users1,
htblusers As users2,
htblusers As users3,
Where users1.userid = htblagents.userid And htblticket.agentid =
htblagents.agentid And htblticket.fromuserid = users2.userid And
htblticket.ticketstateid = htblticketstates.ticketstateid And
htblticket.ticketid = htblnotes.ticketid And users3.userid = htblnotes.userid

then you can save and run (Don't forget to assign a name for this sql code at the top of the page)
Good Luck
Engaged Sweeper III
Yassine Dakir wrote:

You can go to Reports > Create new report > then you can use this sql code :

Unfortunately this creates a report with a separate record for every note added to every ticket.

I feel like all the functionality is already built into the ticket filter in the Help Desk. I can filter my ticket view by date range, type, status, etc... I can add or remove the columns that I want. I just wish there was a way to export that to Excel. I'm not a programmer, but it seems to me like the hard work is already done. The filters are already there. If it can viewed on the screen, why can't it be exported?
Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

The best way to do this, would be to create a report that holds the same columns. From there you can then export that easily to Excel.
Engaged Sweeper III
FrankSc wrote:

The best way to do this, would be to create a report that holds the same columns. From there you can then export that easily to Excel.

Easier said than done. I am not a SQL programmer. When I opened a support case about getting a report showing help desk tickets including root cause I was told to take a SQL course.

When I saw how easy it was to filter and display exactly what I wanted right in the Help Desk itself, I was hoping for a way to export it right from there.

If you already have the tools to do the filtering built right in the Lansweeper application, why does the reporting have to be so convoluted?

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