I got word from support that this is a bug in the latest release. They will be addressing it in the next release sometime this month.
-Below we will also add some more information about the LsAgent issue, its cause and the functional impact:
• In the latest versions of LsAgent, and, the LansweeperAgentService.exe file has a different version, e.g. in the latest one.
• When LsAgent is installed, an entry is added to the registry that uses the installer version in the registry key, e.g.
• Whenever the LsAgent service restarts, it cleans up old registry entries. This effectively means it removes registry entries that have a version number that differs from its own.
o This mechanism is in place to keep the registry clean after updates.
• Since there is this version mismatch, the service is cleaning up its own registry entry when it shouldn't.
• Since Lansweeper scans software directly from the registry (the same data source as Add/Remove Programs), this is also causing the scan to remove LsAgent from the asset's software list in Lansweeper.