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Engaged Sweeper

Hi, I have a question, I can't seem to find anything on the forums here about it. 

At the moment when scanning devices on our network if the device is offline Lansweeper will try to continue scanning it for 1 hour before moving on to the next.. As we can our client machines as well as servers, we often run into all threads being clogged with offline machines causing huge delays.

So is it possible to reduce this 1 hour retry time to around 30 seconds? 

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hi ,

There are some settings under the IP range targets you can check that could have an impact on what you are experiencing. 

  1. Ping Time-out: This setting determines how long Lansweeper will wait before moving on the next device after considering the asset unreachable.
  2. Don't Ping, if enabled Lansweeper will try every IP address in a range even it cannot be pinged. 

There are more settings listed in the following KB article that can be checked also to ensure the system is optimized