Hi, Got the express version going to a point and purchased the premium pack and promptly broke it. So this is a case of problem between the interface and the chair, i.e. ME.
I have blithly carried on and installed the latest lansweeper service as per the instuctions in the how-to-install.pdf in the service folder of the download.
The service uninstalled and installed with out error but when I start the service but it would not start. This is the error
Could not start the Lansweeper Service service on Local Comptuer. Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
bjoyce wrote: Thanks for helping. Well theres my problem, i was using firefox not ie.
When using ie i still get an error when trying thr remote control link. It tells me "Remote registry access fail"
You need to have administrative permissions on the client where you want to remote control. (And the remote registry service must be started on the client)
bjoyce wrote: Thanks for helping. Well theres my problem, i was using firefox not ie.
When using ie i still get an error when trying thr remote control link. It tells me "Remote registry access fail"
You need to have administrative permissions on the client where you want to remote control. (And the remote registry service must be started on the client)
The remote registry service is running under the user NT AUTHORITY\LocalService on the remote server with the administrator password but it still comes up with the same error "Remote registry access fail"
Have you enabled the option to allow activex to run in ie settings?
If when you click on the action you get a "error on page" icon in the bottom left hand corner of your IE screen then this is likely to be the case...
Do any of the custom actions work? I.e. c$ / Computer management etc. These should work without any additional files or config - EXCEPT the Active X enabled in IE.
Check the LS documentation custom actions section for exactly what to enable - I think it is initialise and script Active X controls not marked as safe for scripting. Safest way to do this is add your LS server to your trusted sites and only enable this for trusted sites.
Nuts, it still does nothing 😞 I have added a directory at \\mydomaincontroller\netlogon\ls\lstrigger.exe and copied all the tools across to this folder
myserver refers to the name of your Lansweeper server - so wherever you use lsclient to communicate to in your logon script
{computer} and {domain} are variables that you don't need to change as when you click lstrigger from the web page it will substitute the computername and domain of the computer your are currently viewing.
So if you have lstrigger.exe saved on \\server1\share1\lansweepertools\lstrigger
And your main Lansweeper server is called LSWEEP1 your path for Lstrigger would be:
The gifs, sort order, enabled and confirmation are fairly self expanatory...
gif - image shown on webpage for the action sort order - where it appears in the list enabled - on or off on webpage confirmation - confirm before running
So in the gui under config I see this Description Action Icon Sortorder Enabled Confirmation Trigger scan lstrigger.exe myserver {computer} {domain} trigger.gif 0 True True
do i swap myserver for the server where I share lstrigger? what do i put in {computer} {domain}? do i need to put in the share name? e.g. \\myserver\netlogon\ls\lstrigger.exe?
Thanks, i overwrote the config file. Service now working.
Now for the next problem, on the web interface how do i get the tools working on the action page. e.g. remote access, trigger scan etc.? Nothing happens when i click on them.
-The account you choose was different from the previous one and doesn't have administrative rights (or cannot run as a service) -You don't have the lansweeperservice.exe.config file
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