Hello,Recently (two days ago) I upgraded our version of lansweeper to version 4.0 and then further upgraded our LSclient.exe that we use from a network share to the latest and greatest version included with 4.0.The issue that I am having now is when ...
Does anyone have any ideas on how to do the following:I want to populate all of my Custon Field 1 (which I changed the name to read "Systems Engineer") with the name of our engineer who is responsible for that server. We have 150+ servers and 3 engin...
OK, installed from scratch yesterday due to a user rebooting the server while in the middle of the upgrade because IIS was not responding (who knew? Scanned, and one of the printers that it detected is showing the Name of my LanSweeper server, and no...
I upgraded from the latest Premium 3.x Lansweeper version to the latest Premium 4.x version today. Went smooth, no reported errors, all looks good.Email for reports/alerts is setup and working. I configured a few reports and I receive them when I hit...
I hate asking stupid questions... but I have looked everywhere for the answer and I can't find it...When I run many of the actions from the Web Console, I get a File not found! error.My tools are stored in \\servername\lansweeper$I installed 3.5 and ...
Does Lansweeper read memory information from BIOS or from OS? WE have some laptops that are installed with 4 GB RAM but reporting 3 GB? Since this is windows xp , so 3 GB is usable? Please clarify as we are using this information to plan windows...
Hi,I'm running 4.0 RC1.When clicking on the User OU Overview, I see a treeview that includes my Hosts/Computer/Server OUs. Is there a reason for that? That creates rogue accounts shown as MachineName$ everywhere. The Computer OU overview doesn't show...