We recommend reviewing some of the following knowledge base articles:
- RPC errors: http://lansweeper.com/kb/2/The-RPC-server-is-unavailable.html
- Access denied errors: http://lansweeper.com/kb/3/WMI-Access-is-denied.html
- Firewall configuration: http://lansweeper.com/kb/6/firewall.html
Note that scanning with our LsPush scanning agent is a sure way to resolve the issue, as LsPush is immune to most scanning errors: http://lansweeper.com/kb/24/how-to-scan-with-LsPush.html
If you wish to scan *without* a scanning agent and continue to run into issues, please contact support@lansweeper.com and provide us with the following so we can troubleshoot:
- Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Service\Errorlog.txt, as present on your Lansweeper server.
- Screenshots of one problem machine's Lansweeper webpage. Show us the Summary, Scan Time and Errors tabs.
- Screenshot of a connection test performed to the machine using testconnection.exe. You can find this tool on your Lansweeper server under Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Actions. Make sure you perform your test on your Lansweeper server.