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Engaged Sweeper
We have quite a few ticket types. To lead users directly to a certain type from an intranet page it would be great to be able to preset the ticket type.

Something like http://myserver/helpdesk/NewTicket.aspx?tid=-999&type=Software

Is this possible?
Engaged Sweeper III

I don't understand why there is no development on any of the helpdesk requests - in your blog article it states you've gone from less than 100 to 300 staff and you're massively increasing the price of licensing and yet you still won't give people the features they have been requesting for years (not just this request).  I keep seeing comments on your websites to 'engage with you' on the forum, but you just ignore what people are saying.

Are LANSweeper killing off the helpdesk module because it does look that way.

Hello there!

The Lansweeper helpdesk is currently in maintenance mode, so in the near future, no new features will be added, unfortunately. Our current roadmap is focused on offering seamless Lansweeper cloud integrations to popular, industry-leading Helpdesk and Service Desk products, such as ServiceNow and others. We are committed to continuing to support the Lansweeper Helpdesk application, and we will continue to monitor all our customer needs for both the Lansweeper Helpdesk application and the 3rd party help desk applications our customers use and wish to use with Lansweeper.

I appreciate your response, but not everyone requires or wants to pay extra for 'industry leading helpdesk products'.  We are a small team of 4 supporting 180 users - we bought LANSweeper because it was a small helpdesk product and that's why we continue with our subscription. 

If it never gets another update it will still work for us however a lot of the feature requests on the old forum (that now seem to have disappeared) were fairly straight forward.

I do realise we are not your target market anymore.

edit - apologies to idb for derailing his thread

so it will move to a cloud only solution soon?

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hello there!

There are currently no plans to move the Lansweeper helpdesk to the cloud platform. Most likely we will be evolving to provide integrations with helpdesk systems like Zendesk, Freshdesk, and more. We will obviously not EOL the Lansweeper helpdesk before these integrations are available.

You can provide feedback here:

Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
Unfortunately not, the best thing you can do is just link to /helpdesk/Default.aspx. This will get them to their Lansweeper dashboard where they can choose the ticket type they want to look at.

Is there any update on this?

We also really need links to special ticket types. 


Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hello there!

Unfortunately, this is not possible with the Lansweeper helpdesk. This feature is present on our customer wish list. We aren't able to guarantee that this feature will be implemented or provide you with an estimated release date at this time.

is there any update on this in the meantime? almost another year passed by now

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