We understand what you're trying to do and will add this feature to our customer wish list, but this likely won't be implemented for a while.
Your best option at the moment is to change the reports. Reports simply retrieve information, so you cannot break anything by changing them.
You can edit a report by selecting it in the configuration console under Reports & Alerts\Report Builder and hitting the "Edit" button. Changing the code for the report "OS: Not latest Service Pack Windows 7" to the one below allows you to exclude computers based on scanned software. Replace "YourSoftware" with the name of the software package you would like to use as a basis for exclusion.
Select Top 1000000 tblComputers.Computername, tblComputers.ComputerUnique,
tblComputers.Domain, Web40OSName.OSname, tblOperatingsystem.Description,
tblOperatingsystem.ServicePackMajorVersion As [Current SP],
tblComputers.Lastseen, Web40OSName.Compimage As icon
From tblOperatingsystem Inner Join
tblComputers On tblOperatingsystem.Computername = tblComputers.Computername
Inner Join
web40ActiveComputers On tblComputers.Computername =
web40ActiveComputers.Computername Inner Join
Web40OSName On Web40OSName.Computername = tblComputers.Computername
Where tblComputers.Computername Not In (Select tblSoftware.ComputerName
From tblSoftware
Where tblSoftware.softwareName Like '%YourSoftware%') And Web40OSName.OSname =
'Win 7' And tblOperatingsystem.ServicePackMajorVersion <> '1'
Order By tblComputers.Computer