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Resolved! eventlog entries not being purged after x days

The eventlog entries in the DB are not being purged after x days.Ive changed the setting "Delete eventlog entries after 5 days" in the configtool but the DB is still full with eventlog entries since installation of V4.0 on our server.One thing i noti...

bgrr by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! Renaming computers

Hi, i apologize if the argument have been covered in the past.We have Lansweeper premium scanning a network with over 1000 computers and we are very happy about its performance.We have just a problem: when we rename a computer we cause a dou...

Mik by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Has to add premium license

Everytime I want to use the "Lansweeper Premium Users" Forum I have to enter my licensekey. Can anyone help me with this?// Göran W

wollseng by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! LanSweeper service 100% CPU Usage

Hi, Since the last upgrade lanSweeper service shows 100% CPU usage. I reduced copmuter threads to five and IP threads to one, restarted the service but CPU usage is the same. I have scheduled IP scanning to monday only. Thanks.

cheche by Champion Sweeper
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Resolved! scheduled scanning &.....

Hi support..How are you?I have more question for you!1. Can I delete the lansweeperuser db?2.Can i use the Scheduled scanning only for a single OU (ex. OU server) without disable "active scan"?3. I see that I can set an computer exclusion. But can i ...

Resolved! Lansweeper 4.0 - performance issue

Hello,I have a performance issue with the new version of Lansweeper. I leave my PC on for night, with LS website open. In the morning, when I click on any LS link, I have to wait about 15-20 sec. for the page to display. But when it finally opens, al...

Martin by Engaged Sweeper III
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