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Engaged Sweeper II
So I am on the latest update, but when I select Rescan Assets in any section I get this error below. Anybody know how to fix it?

Error while adding assets to scanningqueue... The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_tsysscanqueue_tsysASServers". The conflict occurred in database "lansweeperdb", table "dbo.tsysASServers", column 'Servername'. The statement has been terminated
Lansweeper Alumni
FYI for everyone: you can fix this issue without a script as well, which might be safer to do.
  • Click the Assets link at the top of the console.
  • Tick the checkboxes in front of the problem assets.
  • Hit the Mass Change button on the left and select the Scanserver field.
  • Submit the name of the new scanning server and hit Ok.

View solution in original post

Lansweeper Alumni
FYI for everyone: you can fix this issue without a script as well, which might be safer to do.
  • Click the Assets link at the top of the console.
  • Tick the checkboxes in front of the problem assets.
  • Hit the Mass Change button on the left and select the Scanserver field.
  • Submit the name of the new scanning server and hit Ok.
Engaged Sweeper II
Perfect! thanks that worked.
Lansweeper Alumni
This happens if you changed the name of your scanning server or removed a scanning server, didn't update that information in your asset database and manually tried rescanning assets.

If you have only one scanning server, you can resolve it by running the following script under Configuration\Database scripts, section Database scripts (replace "newserver" with the name of your scanning server):

update tblassets set scanserver='newserver'

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