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Engaged Sweeper II

Error 0x3D - The printer queue is full

Error 0x3E - Space to store the file waiting to be printed is not available on the server


I'm getting these errors on a couple dozen endpoint PCs when trying to install the cloud agent (IT Agent 4.1.2). 

These seem very odd to me. Restarting the device and re-running installation does not appear to resolve the issue.

Engaged Sweeper II

Win 10 and Win 11, using the silent configuration.

The client is successfully installed on nearly 4k assets, however there are roughly 50 endpoints that are throwing the error codes mentioned.

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Dear Lee-TG,
Are you installing IT Agent on Windows? Silently? On which OS version
We believe you better contact Lansweeper Support for this so they can look at installing logfiles.
Based on that, they should be able to help you out with this.