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Engaged Sweeper

In my haste to fix another application I uninstalled our SQL Server 2014 instance and components not knowing that LanSweeper was using the LocalDB part of it.

The LanSweeper database is intact and located in its default \Program Files\Lansweeper\SQLData folder.

We reinstalled SQL 2014 express to correct the other application.

There are so many KB articals and stuff that I struggle with finding the right course of action.

I wanted to do this: Move your database from SQL LocalDB to SQL Server - Lansweeper Maintenance - Lansweeper Community

but the installer is barking that I need SQL 2022 or higher...when all i have read is SQL 2014 + is ok.

Just roadblocked here team and could use some advice.

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hello there!

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 is only supported for Lansweeper versions or earlier. So, if you are using our latest installer, it will indeed prompt you to use a more recent version, as Microsoft SQL Server 2014 is officially being deprecated by the vendor.

You could potentially install an older version of Lansweeper for now and then perform a restore of your backup:

Then when updating to the latest version, your LocalDB will be updated automatically. If you then still would like to migrate to Microsoft SQL Server Express, you can still do so, provided you have updated your Microsoft SQL Server Express instance first.

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