Hello everyone!Can you say: why lansweeper create .job file in c:\windows\tasks when I try deploy.As I know windows 10 used xml files in task scheduler.
What happened to the cloud version of Lansweeper?I believe it was fall 2019 that it was announced that the future of Lansweeper would be in the cloud. Is that still the plan?
Hello, everyone,i created new deployment packages in lansweeper today. tried to assign this, but without success.the installer logs are empty and the "deployment" index tab under the devices is not available.In the past, you could always find out the...
Hi All,in configuration / Server option , I have the flag "Refresh local Active Directory user details (Department, telephone,... ) in the Lansweeper database"active,but the details are never update.The users are created but never update.What I can t...
Does Lansweeper's email support modern authentication when using the Exchange EWS method with O365? We had this working previously, but recently disabled basic authentication and Lansweeper doesn't seem to be able to authenticate anymore. Is there a ...
Hi,I would like to understand why some Assets are not being considered part of a defined Asset Group.For example, I got an Asset Group, which is called "Main Site Wireless".But then the assets which are being scanned show on “IP Location” field “Unde...
Hi all I have the following Code but its retuning all results as "Yes" , which is not the case (Select (Case When Exists(Select Top 1 tblAssets.AssetName From tblAssets Where Exists(Select tblProcesses.AssetID From tblProcesses ...