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O365v2 Scan fails with Sequence contains no elements

I’ve set up a new scan for our Office365 tenant using the newest KBs you have, and I only get an error that says: Sequence contains no elements. I’m using the certificate thumbprint method for authentication, and I can see in our Azure logs that the ...

cwboone by Engaged Sweeper II
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Fujitsu Warranty Scan Issues

Hello Everyone,for quite some time we had the issue, that no Warranty is scanned on our FUjitsu assets.However, with HP or Toshiba devices, this works flawless.I've already been through this Tutorial

WBLK_Denn by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Problems with deploying PowerShell script

Hello guys, i have a problem because I can't deploy new package with PS script. I'm using:powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -command {"commands go here"} (Setting action command)orpowershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "{PackageShare}\Scr...

Jeffy by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Event log message

Can someone provide some direction with this please?Thanks. The server-side authentication level policy does not allow the user DPS\038815 SID (S-1-5-21-2260375648-3386735697-1685888974-3386) from address to activate DCOM server. Please ...

pjayme by Engaged Sweeper
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Check users last accessed applications report possible?

As we work in a hospital and not all applications are deployed through SCCM/AD so the deployment guys sometimes have to manually install applications, what would be helpful is if they can generate a report on all users on the estate and see which app...

hirogen by Engaged Sweeper III
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Need to copy a file to all users' appdata folder

Hi All,I have a deployment script which is already copying files to all machines using XCOPY.exe. This works no problem.I now need to install a simple global.dotm template word file inside the following path on all laptops:C:\users\JOE.BLOGGS\appdata...

RoyDeploy by Engaged Sweeper
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