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how to deploy a *.exe file

Is there any change to deploy a *.exe software instead a *.msi file?There is a manual / config file for an old Firefox version but this doesn´t work.I also like to deploy AcrobatReader and other SOftware without any support of a msi file.I also want ...

Locking the PC Windows 10

Any reason why a Lock Screen would not initiate from a Powershell script with a Lansweeper Deploy?Anyone have a trick that will work?I run a command (very similar to other powershell scripts that I run)powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "{P...

User18954 by Engaged Sweeper II
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Execute scripts/command on remote machine

This is my script: Command:Xcopy "{PackageShare}\Installers\uninstall.exe" c:\remotefolder /I /A /R /YCommand:Xcopy "{PackageShare}\Installers\executeFile.bat" c:\remotefolder /I /A /R /YCommand:c:\remotefolder \executeFile.bat The bat files contains...

saulob by Engaged Sweeper II
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VMware Custom Attributes

We create custom attributes in our Vsphere environment for all of our VM's Usually we include things like what department the VM belongs to, the manager, what tier it falls into for backup and updating schedule. Is it possible to have Lan Sweeper pul...

Warranty Scan Fujitsu Siemens Q556

Hallo,we have 3-4 different models from Fujitsu Siemens and except for one series he can check the warranty. I do not know why it does not work on a series Q556. Is it possible to log it somewhere? Serial numbers are all availableUnfortunately, these...

BastiOn by Engaged Sweeper III
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Scheduling email alerts

Good day!I just upgraded to LanSweeper version 7.1 and setup the Office365 scanning. I am able to go into the reports section and pull a report with no problem. However, when I attempt to schedule the report Office 365: Licenses to be emailed, I am...

JTempleton by Engaged Sweeper III
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