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Resolved! Problem scanning

Hello all,When i try to scan my lansweeper server appears this error bellow:Ignoring corrupt LSPush file from  "Lansweeper_server"This is normal?What can i do?Best Regards Leandro Schimmelpfeng Pereira Carvalho

Resolved! Automatically Set To Non-Active Not Working

We are configured as such: Set computers to non-active if not seen in the last 30 days. And this is not working. All of these are still Active. Assetname Domain OSname Last SeenLpalmer pridedallas Win 7 2013-10-9 15:17Ready1...

laurin1 by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! About custom properties

Hi, I have two questions about custom properties: * If we change the asset NIC, it get a new MAC and then loses the custom properties? * If we reinstall a windows asset, it is rescanned and then loses the custom properties?Thank you very much.

cheche by Champion Sweeper
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Resolved! Server Port Web Access

Hi,I've been thinking about opening the server port for my Lansweeper server in my firewall to the Internet, so offsite computers can send lspush files to the server. But what's keeping me from doing that is that the port can be accessed from a web ...

RC415 by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Lansweeper Ports

Hi,i have a question regading the used ports. Lansweeper uses port 135 on windows client devices for wmi scanning?2.) Which ports are also necessary for the inventory procedure of windows server s...

samfu by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Multiple IP's on a Device

I am getting multiple IP addresses for the same devices example (ISA Server) can I consolidate? Ip Address X.X.X.11Advanced IP SettingsIP Address X.X.X.12 X.X.X.13 thank you

Resolved! Question about length of snmp community string

Hi there,I'm new to lansweeper and I have one short question about the length of the snmp community string.Are there any restrictions/limitations about the length of the string?We currently use a string with 32 letters, numbers and other signs. But i...

hurr1c4n by Engaged Sweeper
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