‎10-27-2021 02:36 PM
- First step, Type: Command -> msg.exe MESSAGE BLAH BLAH
- Second step, Type: Installer -> "{PackageShare}\Installers\file.exe" (I also tried it with powershell but the
same thing happens).
- Third step, Type: Command -> msg.exe WORKS
- Last step, Type: Command -> msg.exe FAILED
‎12-03-2021 12:15 AM
‎12-02-2021 10:25 PM
powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "\\my-network\file-path-here\MyPowerShellScript.ps1"
Start-Process Msiexec.exe -Verb Runas -Wait -ArgumentList '/c /i \\my-network\file-path-here\MyApplication.msi /qn'
‎11-23-2021 10:36 PM
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