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Engaged Sweeper II
Is it possible to deploy an exe file on computers whose users are not administrators and that when asking for the administrator user and password to be entered... it is done automatically?

The deployment was made from an account that is an administrator of the domain but on the users' computers it asks to manually enter an administrator user and password, I don't know why, I've tried deploying it using the System Account, Scanning Credentials and Currently Logged On, and always asks for the adm credentials. I thought it wouldn't be necessary since the user launching the deployment is an administrator.

On the other hand, the deployment also starts on my computer, even if I have selected another specific asset and not mine.

What I did is:

  • First step, Type: Command -> msg.exe MESSAGE BLAH BLAH

  • Second step, Type: Installer -> "{PackageShare}\Installers\file.exe" (I also tried it with powershell but the
    same thing happens).

  • Third step, Type: Command -> msg.exe WORKS

  • Last step, Type: Command -> msg.exe FAILED

Honored Sweeper
That seems like alot of extra steps Don, as most exes can be run with command-line arguments as well.

I think I have only ever had to convert one to an MSI due to issues with deployment and that was cause they were using some cheap installer and had no command lines setup.
Engaged Sweeper III
I usually use a package manager to convert the exe to a msi and then I write a powershell script to call the msi installer... then I deploy that powershell script in lansweeper as such:

powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "\\my-network\file-path-here\MyPowerShellScript.ps1"

My powershell script would look something like:

Start-Process Msiexec.exe -Verb Runas -Wait -ArgumentList '/c /i \\my-network\file-path-here\MyApplication.msi /qn'

You should keep the powershell script and the msi installer in the same directory.

Honored Sweeper
What installer is it that you are using, are you passing the silent command line parameters?
We deploy software to staff machines all the time who are not administrators.

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