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Splunk and Lansweeper Integration Partially Working

Hello, I have had Splunk Cloud implamented for about a year. We recently implamented Lansweeper in november of 2023. We started with on prim and have since moved to Lansweeper on cloud. At that point I installed the Lansweeper Add-On for Splunk and L...

cpotter by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Where to locate LanSweeper Sentinel templates?

We are in the process of moving to LanSweeper for the first time at our organisation, we already have sentinel running across our estate.  However - I'm about to look at the integration of LanSweeper and Sentinel and all documentation i can find refe...

MTS by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Use Thight VNC as Remote Tool

Is it possible to configure LAN Sweeper that way, that I connect with ThightVNC instead RDP to our Clients?Thank you in advance for yor helpbrThomas

Grausam by Engaged Sweeper
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New Lansweeper release - Version

Hello there! We have just released Lansweeper version, which should resolve the issue with scanservers going offline unexpectedly. This new version has other exciting fixes, but I thought I would highlight the most important one. You can upd...

Obi_1_Cinobi by Lansweeper Tech Support
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Lansweeper v11.1.4.4 - Edit Ticket

Hi, In the HelpDesk module, in the 'Edit Ticket' menu, the 'Type:' section used to display multiple lines, and by typing the first letters, we could directly reach the desired line. Now, it's no longer possible, and we have to scroll through the navi...

StevenB by Engaged Sweeper
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