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Sync information

On a computer asset, I entered information in the building and department section. Is it possible that this information is dynamically updated with the connected assets (relations) like monitors?I need to create a report every year on all equipements...

IT_VVD by Engaged Sweeper
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How do I create a new ticket using the API?

I have followed all the documentation and spent several days trying to create a new ticket. When I add just the standard keys to the url, it works fine. But if I add even 1 single custom field, I get this response:{"Files":null,"Success":false,"Mess...

sqlServerId is changing

Hello!I'm doing an integration between the Servicenow and Lansweeper, and I noticed that my sqlServerId (table tblsqlServers) is changing, and that's impacting on the relationship between our assets, databases, etc.So, I don't know exactly how I can ...

bzll by Engaged Sweeper
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iFrame broken in LS 9

We just upgraded to v 9 of LS and now the content that did work in an Iframe no longer work. "The content cannot be displayed in a frame" Can this be addressed?

LRHK by Engaged Sweeper
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Scanning for disk encryption, missing results

Hi, AllI have been banging my head against the wall on this, if I remove the McAfee tblRegistry, I get the expected 36 assest, however, I only get 29 assets with the table in there a way to have the report include the missing systems?I added...

miek_g by Engaged Sweeper III
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Set Up the scan for Domain Controllers (not AD !!)

Hello I´m glad to be here and I directly have my first question.In the past in the company, I´m working for, the user for the scanning was a domain admin.When I arrived, I started to "clean up" and I switched this.Therefore I followed the Windows dom...

GeorgB by Engaged Sweeper
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In a trial. What should I do?

Hi guys, I am trialing the on-prem version as we speak. I’m keen to know, if I were to purchase a license, am I immediately capable of connecting the software to the cloud platform? It does not look like my trial has the capability. I reached out to ...

mjw-BTWM by Engaged Sweeper
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