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Lansweeper Cloud

Hi All, Have just setup Lansweeper Cloud. Is there a requirement for Inbound firewall changes etc from the Cloud Console to the On-Prem Server? Both our scanning servers are in the Internal network, if that is the case do we need the scanning servers...

dkirin by Engaged Sweeper
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scanning network devices

we have AD auth set up for our network switches. LS is scanning them with a read only AD account , and getting this error - %% Unrecognized command: "cat /etc/*release"It seems the account has access as we get port info and info on what is attached t...

Switch Dell S4128 Scan error

Hi all,after scan I got the following error on a Dell switch S4128"Syntax error on line stdin:1 "cat /etc/*release": Unknown command."SSH Credential are OK and are the same used to access Dell N series switches. Does anyone else have the same message...

MatteoR by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Patch Tuesday report showing wrong results

I ran the patch tuesday report (september) against my updated servers, and a big chunk of them shows kbKB5005573 as not installed.The update IS installed on the servers, and the machines were scanned 3 days after the update was installed.

NoZart by Engaged Sweeper II
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"Unknown" exclusion does not exclude Unknown assets

Lansweeper Version: install is less than two months old. Since the beginning we have had "Unknown" assets excluded.[Scanning Targets / Exclusions]"Asset Type","Unknown","These assets return too little data."However, every day I have to ...

ldockery by Engaged Sweeper II
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Buongiorno,avrei bisogno di lanciare un comando che va a modificare il valore stringa "ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE" nella chiave "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Flexlm License Manager"Se uso il seguente comando in LOCALE da DOS tutto funziona, ma s...

Asomich by Engaged Sweeper
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additional languages on every mail

screenshot<div style=""><font style="" size="3"><font face="Arial" style="font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-family: Arial, Verdana;"><br></font></font></div><div style=""><font style="" size="3"><font face="Arial" style="font-weight: norm...

TVetter by Engaged Sweeper
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All Hardawre REPORT

Hi . I have a report that show all hardware in one report ( use having and grouping for remove multiple items). it was okey until add printers to report .after adding printers , Assest that don't have printer installed removed from report . how can...

Ruhollah by Engaged Sweeper
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