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Resolved! Helpdesk Tabs on Users Page

We just upgraded from 8.0 to 8.4 and we used to be able to see a helpdesk tab on a user we searched and see all of the tickets they opened. Once we upgraded the tab disappeared? Is this a setting or a change.

Powershell Remote Shutdown with Different Creds

I had an issue where I needed to remotely restart a computer but wasn't currently logged into a Domain Administrator account. I found a quick and simple powershell command and then adapted it into a Custom Action.I placed it at the bottom of the list...

rbutler by Engaged Sweeper
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Survey in the closure ticket

Upon ticket closure, we want to send our users to an MS forms survey weblink, how can I incorporate the ticket number into that web URL, and will MS forms accept it?I am also asking the same question on MS forms / Power automate site as well.Thanks f...

Tholmes by Engaged Sweeper III
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shared printer to GPO

Hi all, i want know if lansweeper , can be report a shared printer installed to computer for any users from print server in domain.

Giovanni1 by Engaged Sweeper
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Computer is online but firewalled driving me crazy

1- every time i try to add a new asset and rescan it i got this error message: Errors found while scanning: Computer is online but firewalled.2- when i try to test connection i got the other error message :LanSweeperShellExecNativeHost has stopped w...

Bader1979 by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Renaming Groups

I have created custom groups that represent assets that aren't "tracked" in LS. I'm baselining a process in which to keep track of assets like Docking Stations (that LS can't see/detect) and making groups for them and their respective deployed locat...

mhammond by Champion Sweeper
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Lansweeper cloud

Hi AllWe have around 190 sites and no actual network as such, so the sites are in essence standalone.We are looking for Assett discovery that will feed into our service now platform and looked at LanSweeper a few months ago but as we have no links in...

perky88 by Engaged Sweeper
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