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Hardware Warranty

Hi, We are looking for stable solutions to get the Warranty discovery process running for as much as vendors as possible. Most of you know there is an ongoing issue with the exposed API of HP and it seems we will not easily get our hands on an API in...

Keeping track of the current step

Hello,I am not sure if this was already resolved or not.I was wondering if there's a way to keep track of the current step reached during a deployment, instead of waiting for the deployment to reach the last step's result then show it; When deploying...

Missing selection fields in reports

I'd like to be able to bulk edit multiple assets from the report view.But since the selection fields at the left of the reports are missing I can't find a way to bulkedit or assign to group them. In our particular case we've created a report which sh...

Date Format

We want to change the date format to in the user info pop-up window and subsequently in all the fields where the date format is used.

SM-ICT-CH by Engaged Sweeper
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Azure Virtual Machine Scanning

Hi,I decided to setup Azure scanning on top of the subnet scanning i already had configured for our Azure estate. The Azure scanning has completed and the resource groups and azure virtual machines are now visible but this has removed the ability to ...

Dass by Engaged Sweeper
  • 1 replies
  • 1 kudos

Report Request - Agent assignment

So we have an report that shows how many tickets each agent is assigned each day. The problem with that report is it only records the first person to take the ticket. this has lead to one of our agents taking tickets they have no intention of workin...