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Asset with multiple ip's

Hi all,Is there a way to consolidate an asset that is discovered with multiple ip's?As you all know firewalls for example usually have multiple subinterfaces/ips.Thank you.

Remote control problem

Hii have two problem:1 how can i manage multiple domain in the same server for the remote control? (my question is about the permission)2 why from my pc doesn't work the action like remote or test connection? from the server works fine but i don't un...

Ithd by Engaged Sweeper
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Microsoft Office KB exe deployment?

I've tried creating and running deployments, but they never execute on the endpoint. I keep thinking it's a permissions deal. Possibly running the deployment as system isn't correct/working..

jdmhw6 by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Fix WMI Access Denied With No Admin Account

Hello everyone,I have a bunch of assets with the error "WMI Access Denied." This is due to not having an account with higher rights to scan it. My question is if I need to have a service account with admin rights for every server and workstation in o...

SPedraza by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Lansweeper force HTTPS option

I recently was finally able to add a certificate for my Lansweeper console for my company. In the older version there was an option on the website settings to force all connections to HTTPS. Where did this option go? I opened config editor and see...

mwrobo09 by Champion Sweeper
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Resolved! Filter assets by 32 or 64 bit

Trying to identify which assets are using the 32 bit version of Windows 10 Pro. If I search by OS, both version will display. There is an entry for System Type in the Config > Windows > System menu but that is not a searchable field.How can I identif...

Remote Control refresh

We keep having to hit refresh when we use remote control. It is an annoyance that my techs complain about all the time. We tried changing the refresh rate and downloaded the latest version of lsremote.exe (6.0.0xxx)We just upgraded to 7.0 and were ho...

agibson95 by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Lansweeper LSAgent Cloud Relay Service

I've turned on Cloud Relay service in my Lansweeper and gotten the Auth Key and I'm attempting to test it on a remote machine (remote from the Lansweeper network, Windows 10, .NET 4.8). I'm getting the following error in the log (I see that it's sta...

zblack by Engaged Sweeper III
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