When I start "Validate ans Save" button, I received the following message :Error{"errors":[{"message":"You must be logged in."}]} but I cannot determine source
Hi, we have enable the intune scanning, to get all our mobile devices into lansweeper.Now I can see all our mobile devices in lansweeper and get some informations. We would like to have a device <> user link.As we can see in the screenshot, we got a ...
Hello Community,
Excited to learn what's next for Lansweeper? Our launch event is just around the corner, make sure to register ASAP so you don't miss out. Remember to let us know what you think here
Last week while visiting our Belgium HQ, I had th...
Hello,I've been assigned to make reports on our different assets and to make sure they don't have local accounts, but I got an issue while doing so is that there was groups inside the assets and therefore i need to make a recursive query to do so. I'...
The fundamental step of triggering a scan for our IT Agent Installations in our LS Cloud has started returning no payload via the API.Previously when working with this it would return the id and name as expected, but this week the response is blank.I...
Hello,I'm trying to narrow results of this report to particular static asset group, but no luck. All my tries with utilizing tblAssetGroups shows errors like this: The multi-part identifier "tblAssetGroupLink.AssetGroupID" could not be bound...Havin...
Hi all,Having a strange issue which I hope someone can help with. I've run through the guide for setting up Intune V2 scan targets, and using the LanSweeper.Test.Tools app I can successfully enter the App, Dir and Certificate and pull back my Intune ...
Hello,I am creating a chart report of the installed patches on corporate client PCs.I want to exclude spare computers from this report, so I am using the custom field 2. If it contains any string that machine is exluded from the report.It works, but ...