Add the following action to user asset pages:
{actionpath}CSV_download.vbs "{username}"
And then this is the content of CSV_download.vbs
uName = WScript.Arguments(0)Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.File...
Hi,i have a small annoying problem, and i hope somebody help me with it,as mentioned in subject the problem is in RPC availability, the assets are scanned successfully but after a while it turned RPC unavailable or fire-walled, even though the window...
Some PC is stored in the user's home. those PC just has limited time to start up and connect to VPN, because the company’s strategy is to scan every three hours so most of them can't report to the server correctly. so I just want to know how to scan ...
I work in IT and have my call board on my far left monitor not directly in front of me. When I connect to a user's computer I remote in using Lansweeper on my main monitor. The remote session window appears on that far left call board monitor though....
Autodesk have changed the process for 2022 products and I am a bit stuck working out how to silently deploy them to our office PCs.The old method had you download the products installer, then use that to create a deployment. Now you do this straight ...
Do we have read-receipts for ticket replies sent? Please let me know if this is already an available feature (which it should be considering this is a professional enterprise level IT system)If not, its an easy feature to implement, simply include a ...
I have looked this up and have not seen any good answers on it. LANSweeper sees Defender AV on Windows 10 machines, but not Server 2016.If I missed something, please point me in the right direction. I am confused why this has not been addressed. Or a...