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try to scan for software license and not working?

I set up a new registry scan for a program called Nitro Pro PDFI'm pretty sure I have everything correct, but it doesn't seem to show up in the licenses reportThe key is:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Nitro\Pro\11.0SerialNumber PlaintextYou can see pict...

joep by Engaged Sweeper
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Patch Tuesday Improvements

Hello, As you might know, I’m mainly responsible for the Patch Tuesday reports, and as you might have seen previously, I’ve been looking at improving it to make it more accurate both historically and for future updates. In my previous attempt, I trie...

Esben_D by Lansweeper Employee
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Deploy package - add registry key to HKCU

Hi,We need to add a couple of registry keys under HKCU and thought LanSweeper might be able to help.At the moment I have created a deployment package with a Command type entry.One example is:REG ADD HKCU\Software\Key\Key\Key\ /f /v Value /t REG_DWORD...

darrkon by Engaged Sweeper II
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Duplicate Items

Hello,Since we've replaced the DNS-Servers in the DHCP-Scope I noticed several duplicate items.How can this best be resolved, so the history of the items is retained? Maybe it has another cause, but I've noticed it after the DHCP-Scope has been modif...

tvengel by Engaged Sweeper
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No incoming Mails after update

Hi, everyone,we installed the update today. Since then, no more tickets have been received by mail.I have checked the mail settings several times, unfortunately no success. then I researched the mailtester.exe and found out that the connect...

SB2021 by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Make agents regular users

Since we cannot use the Helpdesk of Lansweeper, since we already use Another one, I’d like to get rid of the notification that I'm an inactive Helpdesk agent when logging in.But I can't make my user a regular user since Lansweeper tells me that "This...

max204 by Engaged Sweeper II
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Active Directory Groups not scanned properly

Hi I have problem with scanning Active Directory Groups which are associated to AD users. I made some changes recently and do not see added AD Groups in AD USER card. I can see old AD Groups to which AD USER belongs but not the new ones.Does anybody ...