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Lansweeper Service Missing in Windows Services

Hey All,Just performed an update to went okay but after it was completed the service is missing from Windows Services and all I have left is the Lansweeper Agent Service, see attached screenshot.I can start the service manually ...

Add diferent software columns

I would like to know if is possible to have two or + Colums of software where displaying just the software choosing in each column, at this moment this is the querty that I have.Select Top 1000000 tblassets.AssetID,tblassets.AssetName,tblassets.Usern...

Resolved! Email Alerts Do Not Send after v11.4.0.4 and higher.

SMTP Emails are no longer working after upgrading from v11.3.0.5 to v11.4.0.4.SMTP stopped working immediately after the upgrade.I am now on the latest version v11.4.1.2 but still have the same issue.When testing via the Web Interface, the test just ...

Sweeper by Engaged Sweeper II
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Lansweeper not picking up Warranty information

Hi,I've just upgraded our version of Lansweeper to the current release.  Our Lansweeper is set up to download warranty information and connect to Dell to get warranty information for our Laptops, and the firewall rules are in place to allow this, but...

Resolved! European cloud relay or self-hosted relay

Hello, Not really a problem but due to GDPR concerns I'm looking for some informations regarding the cloud relay. Does anybody know please, if there are any plans on releasing a EU relay or providing an option to establish a self-hosted one in the ne...

Freya by Engaged Sweeper
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Duplicate assets Hyper-V and Active Directory

Hi all, I have two scanning targets. Active Directory Domain and IP range. I have a problem by having duplicate assets for same single physical asset. The root cause of problem are turned off Hyper-V machines. Once,they have been up and running and n...