How do we accosciate many emails to one user? Some users have multiple email accounts. When they place tickets, only one is linked to their AD related Lansweeper user account. How can we fix this?
I'm pretty sure I used to insert images from local link instead of just 'url', prior to the latest upgrade, which I performed earlier today. Did something change or do I need to change a setting now in order to insert an image into a ticket comment t...
All of a sudden the Open C$ action has stopped working, when I click on it I get the vbs file that opens
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")objShell.ShellExecute WScript.Arguments(0), "", "", "", 1
nothing has changed on our end, it does...
is there any way to allow lansweeper to show Drive size and amount of storage used in regards to NAS Synology and NAS Nimble units I tried OID's for the Synology and it could not get info.
The ADD button does not appear at the top right of the scan target page.No assets are available from my lansweeper OT hub, and my OT HUB is sync and UP on my
Windows software Tencent WeChat for PC didn't show up for all installed PCs. Only few PCs show in software report. Should it caused by software name is Chinese characters?
I have multiple agents using Lansweeper helpdesk and only a few of them are getting stalled out results (about 90% of the time failure, and about 10% successful) when filtering tickets in Helpdesk after migrating from CompactSQL to SQL LocalDB during...
We have just installed and started using Lansweeper. I have used the Lansweeper asset management system for years (although I did not administer the system) but we are new to the Help Desk system. We have setup the initial ticket templates, teams, et...