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Lansweeper Cloud Webhook - 500 Internal server error

We have connected our Lansweeper cloud to Service now. But the Webhook keeps on disconnecting. There are 200-OK successful updates but the Lansweeper will disconnect and won't connect back if it received/got a lot of 500 Internal server errors. Is th...

mjdelacr by Engaged Sweeper II
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Deploying Microsoft Store Apps "offline"

Hi guys,We have disabled the Microsoft Store in our whole domain.Now I have received a request to install the Translator app from microsoft, which is only available in the store.I checked the internet if it's possible to download some kind of install...

MakeBug by Champion Sweeper
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Resolved! Add Categorie to a Dynamic Group

HelloI juste configured some Dynamic Groups, and i asked myself, if it is possible to add more Colums like for example Purchased Date or Last User, or every other Colums that is shown on the All Assets Overw

Resolved! AD attribute in Lansweeper assets

In Active Directory (AD) there is a attribute (field) available named Location.Can I use this field in Lansweeper Assets to register the location of a system?And, how can I display this field in MMC? I already have MMC running with the AD add-on.  

pnoppers by Engaged Sweeper
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Cisco SSH Credencial

Hello Lanseeper Community, i have issue with scanning my Cisco Switch. - in my IP range the (no ssh) box not checked. -In my switch config SSH is enable and i create an acount with full acces(15)  -After that i made a ssh credential on lansweeper wit...

RemiB by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Scanning exlusion: http port 80

Hello we have a few linux servers where we want to exclude port 80 http scanning.Is it possible ?IP Range scan uses all known ports in your knowlege base, you can disable SSH or Windows protocols but not a specific http port.Thank you for your respon...

Resolved! Prevent Deletion of Shared Dashboard Tab with On prem LS

Hello to all you LS admins out there. long time LS admin but first time posting. I have been stumped on a new issue that popped up for me, shared dashboard tabs get deleted by accident occasionally, usually by a new hire to the team. Is there a way t...

D3cyfer by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Helpdesk User get's added as CC for every Ticket

Hey there,unfortunately all of the sudden our Helpdesk User get's added as a CC User for every Ticket which is quite annoying.Is there any way to filter this out or something?Like, when I write a Mail to Helpdesk without anyone in CC, it creates a Ti...