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HP Serial Number link

The HP Serial number link is broken, does anyone have the correct link to fix it?I Had:{assettag}&tmp_weProduct={systemsku}&lc=en&cc=usI found in here and tried:http://h20566....

Tdewar2 by Engaged Sweeper
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uVNC Config

Hello,I have the honor to be the new lansweeper- person in my company, and what the problem currently is:when you open the u VNC over the action, the config does not support multi-monitor and zooming.Probably I must only change the command and add th...

RatWolf by Engaged Sweeper
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How Lansweeper uniquely identifies assets

Hi, Just wondering why the unique asset for computers is the computer name in Windows ? Its creating quite a lot of bugs on our end cause some people reuses their computer names when changing hardware (IP in the computer name or else). Is it possible...

jfhallee by Engaged Sweeper III
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Link to help desk ticket in signature

I want to create a global signature beneath the ticket response send by lansweeperI create a signature in the email settings sectionIn this signature I create a hyperlink to https://helpdesk.compaxo.local/helpdesk/Ticket.aspx?tid=[ticketid]This is ch...

How to remove non-agent scanned assets

Hello Lansweeper community, We just started using Lansweeper and got a small problem. We only need to have computer that are scanned via lsagent software, but when we did the initial scan, we forgot to uncheck the "Active Directory Computers OU" so w...

mmichalek by Engaged Sweeper
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Lansweepeer license is expiring

Unfortunately, we are unable to renew our Lansweeper license.This thread dated February 12, 2019 says that the Lansweeper service will be blocked.What exac...