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Scanning Queue access

Is it possible to give access to the scanning queue without giving more rights in other areas over and above basic access.Just want some staff to be able to clear the scanning queue when setting up new devices and the scanning queue has a large amoun...

C_C by Engaged Sweeper II
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Monitors listed in IPlocation Overview as undefined

I am trying to make sure all my IP Locations get mappings so that I don't have any items listed under Undefined for IP Location Overview.When I click on "undefined" for IP Locations, most of the assets are monitors. I have some computers but I know h...

shawn by Engaged Sweeper II
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Upgrade Installation Error to

I am getting an error during an upgrade to the most recent version. Error: Installing LanSweeper LocalDB Service! Error: Error from PostInstallConfigureLansweeperService.I am seeing errors in the application event logs for a few thingsKeyword not s...

gbagwell by Engaged Sweeper
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Credential Mapping to an Asset Group

Currently, credential mapping is limited to 6 types (AWS Region, Azure, IP Address, IP Range, Windows Computer, Workgroup/Domain). This can be very tedious for large networks with many vlans/subnets It would be much easier for complex environments to...

kshane by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Deployment packages failed after upgrade version9.5.0.4

Today we have upgraded our server to the latest version ( that, Lansweeper seems to be fine but we cannot push package anymore. Each time that we try, we have the following message:“Preliminary checks failed. Task Registering Error. The...

Boudjema by Engaged Sweeper II
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Reverse Proxying LSAgent Port 9523

HelloI am trying to set up Squid as a reverse proxy for our LSAgents outside the office to avoid exposing the Lansweeper port directly and add some security.I have a simple squid.conf (adapted from a similar set up so I know it works) but for some re...