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Forum Posts

How can we Deploy wit Lansweeper

Hi,Can somebody help me how we can deploy with Lansweeper?I already tried some things, but it always ends in an error.How can we install software from the packageshare?How can we copy files from the packageshare?What credentials do we need for it?

Minit_IT by Engaged Sweeper
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Lansweeper and Plug Load Management

Hello I work for a company called Ibis Networks, we sell and install plug load management systems, (for the most part we stay away from computers and focus on peripherals, monitors, printers, space heaters etc).A client has asked us about using our s...

eoin by Engaged Sweeper
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Lansweeper Web UI stays in english

Hi,I was just wondering why my Lansweeper Web UI stays all time in english even when the configuration corresponds to "FRENCH".I didn't have this problem before upgrading few days ago to the version I'm logged on (with full administra...

SimonHDV by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! disk cleanup to remove windows.old

I do mean remove safely not just delete windows.old /s type of command. I was thinking of some automated way to use the disk cleanup utility (install if not there) and/or powershell. Perhaps leveraging a report that pulls the existence of "windows.ol...

AZHockeyNut by Champion Sweeper III
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Copy asset name or IP address to clipboard

Sometimes when working on a device I want to copy the device name or IP address and paste it into an email or message to someone. Currently I highlight the information on the asset page. Is there a basic task I can use or make to copy the device name...

cctech by Engaged Sweeper II
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package Deployment

Hello guys, I would like to ask you for a help with packages deployment. I created a package and tried to deploy. Because we have blocked admin permissions for user, I need to install sw with user admin rights. Can I specify what kind of user I want ...

VasekCZ by Engaged Sweeper
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Scanning Software License keys

Hi,I would like to scan eCopy PDF Pro license keys, but theres no such a option in software license scan settings I have tried adding it manually but no luck (i dont think i did it correctly)Anyone know how to sort this please?cheers

LanSweepa by Engaged Sweeper II
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Problem to scan switch

Hi,I see that some model of switch is not scan correctly, I can't see the port and the object link to this port and the vlan assigned.A lot of this are recognized with Linux or Web server and if i change the type of asset the problem is not solved.Wh...

Andrea by Engaged Sweeper III
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