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MSI Deployment Question

I am trying to install an MSI via Lansweeper and the job fails when I try to send it through Lansweeper but works when I run the commands locally via the command prompt. The return error code I get is 1603. I have tried changing the run mode, install...

smozie by Engaged Sweeper
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Mass Edit Static Asset Groups

Hi all,We have sensors in different IP networks which appear as webserver (only IP pingable). To easier spot them, I added a static group with their fixed IP address.I would like now to mass edit those assets, to change the type from Webserver to Sen...

Grigori by Engaged Sweeper
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Uninstall Issue

Hi Guy's,I am in the process of creating an upgrade package for one of our installs (Buildsoft).I have got the install etc working ok, the issue is there is a previous install which we need to remove before we can upgrade.It is installed via a MSI to...

Migration of Lansweeper DB from SQL 2008 to SQL 2016

Hi Team,We need to know what steps shall we follow to migrate the existing db of lansweeper from SQL 2008 to SQL 2016.Note - we just need the DB to be migrated, the lansweeper serverw would remain samejust to clear more we created a new SQL server xx...

atul557 by Engaged Sweeper III
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Not able to Scan VIA SNMPv3

Hey guys,I am moving away from scanning devices with SNMPv1 community strings.I've setup snmpv3 users and the appropriate access on several switches. However, I cannot get Lansweeper to add them.I have added the snvmp3 credentials to the IP range. Th...

Menace232 by Engaged Sweeper
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