I need to have an overview of Windows 10 versions which are deployed and the build versions. Is this already build into LANsweeper? If not, should this be possible in for example the Windows Operating System Overview?
Hi allRecently purchase LANsweeper license and was installing it into our VMBut I was told by my application colleague that I may need to purchase MS CAL licenses.Looking at 2500 assetsCan anyone advise me whether LANSweeper scanning and storing info...
I have several Panasonic Toughbook laptops that are almost never seen by my network that I need to keep track of. I manually ran an LSPush when I set them up. Everything else is set up to auto scanI would like to set my database to auto-clean assets ...
Is there a way to close tickets automatically after a certain amount of time. I want to set a ticket state and if nothing happens to that ticket with 2 or 3 days it closes automatically. If not it would be a good feature for the future.
I've been using Spiceworks for ages and I like the ability for it to grab configs from Cisco devices, and tell me what port a device is connected to on managed switches. Does Lansweeper have this functionality?
After an IP Scan, I lost assets . They are just gone (2 of 189 so far I realized).Actually there is no option set in assset cleanup.I'm using the newest version of lansweeper.