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asset disappear after IP Scan

After an IP Scan, I lost assets . They are just gone (2 of 189 so far I realized).Actually there is no option set in assset cleanup.I'm using the newest version of lansweeper.

tbode1 by Engaged Sweeper
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Lost all Open/Closed Tickets after Power Outage

Hello, I ran into some power outages this past weekend. After getting everything back up. I noticed all of my open and completed tickets are no longer in the system. Is there any way to check the database or recover this information?Much appreciat...

jpacheco by Engaged Sweeper
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For a big infrastructure

Imagine you have a big ICT infrastructure, deployed into different geographically separated sites and you want for each site, site administrators use Lansweeper without having the possibility to look at other sites data.Imagine then there is a corpor...

paprita by Champion Sweeper
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Resolved! Tracking toner replacements (lastchanged)

We are beginning to try and track toner replacements with Lansweeper.1. How can I get local printers to show up under assets\printers? Only network printers show up.2. When I run a report on printers that need toner replacements, it shows the fiel...

sryan by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! Getting started popup

Every day that I go to the Helpdesk in Lansweeper I get this popup.It states: Getting started' and asks for my email adres.I know this can be useful, but I would like to be able to disable the popup.Is there any way that this can already be done? Per...

Bru by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! HelpDesk - Can we add more than 1 client to a ticket

We have just started using the Help Desk portion of Lansweeper. The only issue I can see that we would like to be able to do is allow an agent to put in more than one client on a single ticket. Sometimes we may install software for 5 people. We open ...

Resolved! Remote Control - Access Denied

Hello,Newbie here. I have tried to utilize the Lansweeper Remote Control (VNC), and seem to always get "Access is Denied".- I've logged into Lansweeper with an account that has Domain and Local Admin privileges for the PCs.- Confirmed that from the ...

sailor by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Windows Version

I have a custom report called "Windows Version" that finds and lists all system's version information. The SQL query is below.Select Top 1000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tblAssets.Domain, tblAssets.IPAddress, tsysOS.OSname, tblOpera...