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CVE 2022-22963 - Spring Cloud Function

By performing an internal VA, we discovered this vulnerability on the server where we installed Lansweeper ( the port and the process, it appears that Lansweeper is affected by this vulnerability.We would like to fix it, but we can...

SIA_URM by Engaged Sweeper II
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Custom view problem (software) - Cloud version

Hello everyone I would like to know why my custom view isn't working, maybe some of you had the same issue.To be specific, I've created SOFTWARE custom view with Name and Version ( 1.0 for example) and it works, but the same view with another version...

MH1 by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! WMI.. The RPC server is unavailable

I give up on this error, if the system is on the same subnet no error if it on any other subnet RPC error, Yes all the ports are open on the switch and firewall.  any input why this happens we use the LS push on systems i don't think using the LS age...

JZastow by Engaged Sweeper II
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New Q&A Forum Board Now Available!

Hello Lansweeper Community! We’ve just added a brand new Q&A Forum Board to help you get quick answers to your technical questions!  This board is read-only and packed with common questions asked during our Open Office Hours sessions—answered directl...

Resolved! Syncing Azure AD Windows Devices

I am at my ropes end with trying to solve this problem with Lansweeper communicating with Azure AD Joined devices.Most of these devices are setup on our internal network or communicate back through a VPN, but I continually get an access denied error ...

Resolved! Assset (PC or Switch) does not refresh connected LAN port

We have a problem, where the connected port on the switch is not updating the asset name but both are scanned successfullyLet me explain the scenario:- PC_1 is connected to Switch_1 Port C9- PC_1 is disconnected from Switch_1 Port C9 and reconnected ...

Tobias88 by Engaged Sweeper
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