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Same device doubled in an Asset list

I keep see the same devices doubled after a network scan.One was properly scanned and the other showes "Not Scanned" due to Firewalling.Even after disabling the firewall both are in the Assetlist.At both AssetID's I see the same NetBIOS name.Any idea...

Terveer by Engaged Sweeper
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Need help with ImportAssets template

Can anyone help me with how to use the ImportAssets template? I downloaded it to add assets, but can't find any help in Community or Support about how to use the template.I found this reply to a question from June, 2014: "It is possible to import ass...

ERomeo by Engaged Sweeper
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License Audit

Hello Team,I want to Know if there is any way to monitor the license compliance in my company.The ideal state is that:I insert in Lansweeper the maximum number of available licence for each software, and Lansweeper advise me when this maximum number ...

manelnas by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Linux OSRelease field incomplete for some Red Hat 7 servers

The Linux-specific field tblLinuxSystem.OSRelease correctly displays the complete Red Hat release for all of our RHEL5 or RHEL6 servers, e.g.:Asset Type: LinuxOS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.9 (Santiago)However, for most of our RHEL7 se...

norbro by Engaged Sweeper II
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Scanning Summary

Hello, I'm not sure if this is in the right location to post this question so please move if need be.I am trying to use LanSweeper to scan a specific IP range to detail basic Hardware information.The results I get are very minimal , I assume I must b...

Gemini by Engaged Sweeper
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MAC and Lansweeper credentials

Hi, I was just wondering if any one else has done this.So we have a fleet of Mac´s that we obviously want to Scan via lansweeper. We could manually create the credentials on each Mac, but that is not efficient, especially if you want to do this with ...

Daniel_Red by Engaged Sweeper II
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TPM Information in Asset Info

Background: I am building reports for assets with/without TPM chips (To see what laptops need to be replaced) and if they do have TPM if it is activated/deactivated (To see if the TPM needs to be activated).This is all for a full disk encryption proj...

lmiller by Engaged Sweeper II
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SNMP v3 and printer supplies levels

Hi All,I'm running version v. but the issue has existed long before this version.With SNMP v1, v2 supply levels show properly when you view the asset. With v3, toner, imaging unit, maint kit etc levels always show at 100%. Anyone else s...