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Resolved: CCleaner Uninstall Deployment issues

I've attached the deployment package I'm attempting to use to uninstall CCleaner from PCs. I've tried various combinations of quoting styles due to the space in the path and run modes. I keep getting:Result: Deployment ended: Incorrect function. Stop...

HammettMike by Engaged Sweeper III
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Windows Firewall report or review

hi all,is it possible to review the computers and servers that have windows firewall disabled? I don't mean the service, because that could be running, but the user has turned the firewall off for the domain location as an example?I've looked throug...

Resolved! Lansweeper URL vs SSO

Hi guys.Currently on trial mode.We have an excel document where we wanted to put hyperlinks to assets, something like that "http://lansweeper:800/asset.aspx?AssetID=137" but if you click in this url inside excel document it throws you to login page o...

bostjanc by Engaged Sweeper III
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.Net report

Is there a way to run a report in Lansweeper that will return all machines in the environment with .NET Framework installed?

Lansweeper starts to Hang

Hi team,I am new to lansweeper report centre, getting use of lansweeper for past one year. I didn't had any performance issues. But Now am facing An issue of loading web GUI.whenever I try to open lansweeper webpage, It takes too much time to load. a...

Karthik by Engaged Sweeper
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List or Report of Locally attached printers

Is there a way to report on or list all peripherals that are attached via USB to PCs?I can do that for monitors because they are handled as discreet devices and connected to PCs through relations.For that matter, why is a monitor considered a discree...

MrBob by Engaged Sweeper III
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Remote Control lsremote version not working

Dear all,i am using the lsremote.exe for remote in to my users computer previously without any issue. Recently, this remote tool had stopped working When i key the computer name or IP and click "Connect" , it hit an error "Can't start local process" ...

hweikong by Engaged Sweeper II
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Changing Agent Info

So, I had a tech retire. I attempted to move the tickets he had all over to another tech. In the process, all of the current techs tickets got reassigned to the guy who retired. Now I have tickets that come in for the current tech being given the ret...